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Rack of lamb with spicy eggplants

Rack of lamb with spicy eggplants

Code: 7911
Weight: 180/100/50 g
4 930 ₽


Rack of lamb coated in spices, eggplants, bell pepper, cilantro

Served with:

yogurt sauce

Cooking method:

1. Preheat rack of lamb for 10-12 minutes, 250°F (for oven top heater); 3-5 min., 600 W (for microwave) and place on a plate; 2. Preheat the eggplants for 6-8 minutes, 250° F (for the lower heater of the oven); 1-1,5 min., 600 W (for microwave) and place next to it; 3. Yogurt sauce is served separately. Bon appetit!

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